RKV ACTIONS (Racial Injustice & Inequality Advocacy)
Register, Know & Vote

Racial Injustice &
Inequality Against
African Americans
Did you know? Many of us (people of all races) provided the power that enabled city, county, state and federal laws and politicians to perpetuate Injustice and Inequality against African Americans by:
Not voting or
Voting without knowing the city, county, state and federal laws and candidates on the ballot!
No one should vote for laws and candidates they don't know. Voting without knowing the city, county, state and federal laws and candidates on the ballot enables racial injustice and inequality against African-Americans in your area.
We need your help to seize this unprecedented opportunity to build on the vast momentous support to stop Racial Injustice and inequality against African Americans.
We are outraged when the Judge lets law enforcement officers and other people go free after brutalizing and murderizing African Americans. But again, I am sad to say we likely voted for and put the Judge or the person who appointed the Judge in office. A change is gonna come with "RKV Actions!"
The book entitled "Why and How To STOP Racial Injustice & Inequality Against African-Americans Provides The Next Steps between now and Election Day for everyone. RKV Actions" = Register, Know & Vote.
Start making a difference today! To increase awareness, tell everyone you know about the eBook and send a copy to friends and family as a gift. It's an inexpensive investment ($0.99; less than the cost of most combo meals) that will pay big dividends towards a better future.
This eBook not only ranked #1 on Amazon's best sellers list but also remained on Amazon's top 10 bestsellers list for weeks. The steps and templates proved invaluable during the 2020 election and any local or national election now or in the future!
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eBook can be read on cell phones, tablets, kindle, laptops, etc.

Please provide us with your email address so you can download the FREE Templates that accompany the eBook.
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